This weeks J&K Aquatics Ltd top up has now arrived and is ready for sale 😁 We've had some spectacular new additions to the freshwater aisle that include:

🐟 Tiger Turquoise Discus

🐟 Blue Diamond Discus

🐟 Rotkeil Severums

🐟 Electric Blue Jack Dempseys

🐟 Peruvian Gold Line Corydoras CW010

🐟 Albino Threadfin Acaras

🐟 Spiderman/Hellboy Male Plakat Bettas

🐟 W/C Kribensis

🐟 Blue Phantom Pleco L128

🐟 Dwarf Anchor Catfish

🐟 Cardinal Tetras

🐟 Red / Yellow Honey Gouramis

🐟 True Upside Down Catfish

🐟 Black Bar Silver Dollars

🐟 Asian Red Tail Catfish

πŸ¦€ Red Claw Mangrove Crabs

🦐 Medium Armoured Shrimp

🦐 Large Armoured Shrimp

Plus Plenty More 😁

Open Until 6pm Today πŸ••

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Hi I'm looking for a full set up fish tank for lion fish I think they are possibly 4 how much roughly would this be please thanks