βš οΈπŸ‘‘ Royal Pythons πŸ‘‘βš οΈ

⚠️👑 Royal Pythons 👑⚠️

We have had a beautiful batch of Royal Pythons arrive in store. These are all cb24 juvenile Royals. Feeding well on defrost rat fluffs.

Some really special morphs are currently available, including Pied, Orange Dream, Leopard plus MANY MORE!! See our latest Stocklist for all morphs available and prices. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ

Full set ups for these Royals are in stock ready to go. As always, any set ups not purchased from us MUST be checked in store before the sale of any animal. No proof of set up = no sale.


Species - Royal Python

Age - cb24

Country Sold - UK πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

Pet Shop Licence No - Flintshire County Council AWL0003.


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