Lots of Cockroaches now available!!

Lots of Cockroaches now available!!

πŸͺ³ Madagascan Hissing

πŸͺ³ Headlight

πŸͺ³ Fourspot

πŸͺ³ Deathshead

πŸͺ³ Dubia

...are all ready to go!!

These make brilliant, super easy pets!! They all feed on a range of vegetation and only need a small heat mat for warmth.

Kits suitable for all our Cockroaches are in stock TODAY starting from just Β£19.99!!

Some species even make fantastic feeder insects for your lizards or frogs. πŸͺ³πŸ€€πŸ¦Ž

πŸ’² Deals to be had on larger bundles!! πŸ’²

Give us a call for more info on numbers and prices.


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