We have some cracking captive bred Dwarf Sungazors now available in store!!

We have some cracking captive bred Dwarf Sungazors now available in store!!

These are fantastic little lizards!! Native to East Africa, these guys like it warm with a decent UVB output. They are nice and active in the daytime and can even live in small groups in a big enough enclosure. However, they are also happy being kept alone.

Dwarf Sungazors get around 18cm in size and can be tamed up given some attention, they are currently a little skittish. Feeding well this afternoon on small locusts, they can eat a range of different insects.

Give the shop a call OR drop us a message for more details!! πŸ‘πŸΌβ˜ŽοΈπŸ“©


Species - Dwarf Sungazer (Cordylus tropidosternum)

Age - cb24

Country Sold - UK πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

Pet Shop Licence No - Flintshire County Council AWL0003.


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